Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy 2016!!!

Happy 2016!!!

Happy 2016, and welcome to It's a Blueberry World!, a blog all about creativity, hacks, cooking and baking, artwork, and design. And probably more in the future. This year, I want to want to get into blogging using Blogger. You may notice that I have a Wordpress blog named Chloe's Corner. It's strictly all about baking, and a baking blog was my original blogging inspiration and idea. It got a little boring after awhile because my blog wasn't getting any real views and it looked extremely lame. Let's just say B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!! And trust me, no one (and I mean NO ONE!!!) likes boring blogs. It may have some alliteration to it, but the words boring and blogging do NOT go together.

So, I changed my blogging idea to branch out from more than just baking. I mean, baking is one of my ABSOLUTE passions, but it can get a little old, and many people just have too many baking blogs. Plus, I have more passions other than just baking. I mean, baking is amazing and all, and by the way, this blog will have a lot of posts about baking, but it won't just only be about baking.

Plus, on this blog, I will be using my own photography. I promise no other photos from other websites, and at first, it may look a little cheesy because of my poor quality iPhone 6 Plus camera, but soon, if I get to use the Nikon camera in my house, I will try my best to shoot good-quality photographs. I mean, a good and successful blog must have amazing photography. Trust me, I learned that one from experience.

Also, soon, if I am allowed to use social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, I will make accounts for this blog. A good blog always has links to their social media accounts and allows readers to pin or post from posts from the blog. But, for now, I do have a Pinterest account, so please follow and check that account out.

So, to conclude this post, let's just say that this blog is going to have way more improvement, and it will be a thousand times (and counting!!!) better than before with Chloe's Corner. I loved that blog and all, but it was time to change, and right now is the perfect time to do so.

Thank you for your support in reading this!!

P.S. Comment below if you've got any questions, suggestions, or if you just want to say something. Please write appropriate comments. (No Bad Stuff!!!! You already know exactly what I mean.) That's my only rule.

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